June 20, 2007

  • yahoo news


    You got to be kidding me? I once told my teachers in high school that the students that get the most recognition are the ones that are either very smart or the ones that cause trouble. Everyone else falls between the cracks (sort of speak). Everyone else brings decent grades, don't make much trouble...are overall good kids, but they oftentimes never got recognized. Majority of these students got their positive feedback from friends, family members but probably most of all from themselves. That inner will to just be a good student....which will eventually lead them to be productive good citizens.

    Now you read that article above and I'm thinking....so the poverish people in NYC (according to the article it's been implemented in other countries, but this experimental rewards program is going to happen here) get paid to be poor? WTF! I'm sorry but from what I see already, the poor have many resources and tax breaks. I agree, it is harder for them to live. But what about middle America? What about the ones that make too much to qualify for any government help but make very little to afford going one night of inpatient stay at a hospital (without borrowing money from credit cards or dipping into a very small retirement account...basically going into debt when they are already living paycheck-to-paycheck)? Sure this experiment is done by private funds...but you know what this is telling me?? Better to be poor...cuz when you're poor, you can get free healthcare, assistance to buy food...you can even qualify for subsidize housing, cheaper phone bill and electicity rates.  For middle America the good choices we've made to be good citizens...well, it's through hard work as well. But you don't see any type of help out there for middle America. They make too much (b/c they happen to own a house or if not own, make just above the poverty level) but they don't make enough to pay for doctor bills? Yet, we are rewarding poor parents to go to teacher-parent conferences?? It just doesn't make sense to me.

    My coworker's mother, a few years ago before her death, was very ill. They were retired. Not a lot of money (enough set aside to live on). They live frugally and their 3 kids helped them out. When the mother became very ill and stayed in the hospital for days...I know financially my coworker was struggling. The parents worked hard in the US for many many years. They raised 3 kids that contribute to the economy and not drain money from the goverment. They weren't born in the US but they raised their kids to make good decisions. Go to school. Study hard. Be productive adults.They never once asked for help. But now that they were struggling financially (remember they were retired) they still couldn't qualify for any government program because they owned a home (which they considered income).....but they worked their ass off to pay for this house, and the government is telling them "we can't help with any healthcare fees b/c you own a home and that's an income?". So WTF , where do they live/move to then to qualify...a cardboard box?

    A few days later, one of my social workers was talking to an uninsured couple that just gave birth. Neither of them had steady jobs or a job with benefits (a rant I will leave for another time). The social worker asks the couple, what are your plans? You plan on getting work? The husband replies, "why work when the government will pay for us"? Even in their country they don't get help, but here they are milking the economy. But here they are getting government assitance with the mentality of "I don't have to work, we get paid to be poor..." and you know what that guy said?? He actually told the social worker he wants to have more kids and plans on starting that as soon as possible. First off, it's sad b/c their kids are going to grow up with so many hardships. Yes, they'll get assistance to pay for food, etc. But growing up, they will have it tough. Never get the latest trendy clothes, the latest gadgets, makeup, shoes, etc. etc. The place they'll live in may not be the best housing out there...but you know what, at least they get a break.  But what bothers me the most, is that mentality...why do i have to work when good 'ole Uncle Sam is willing to pay for me?? It's so backwards sometimes.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm all about helping the poor. It is definitely a responsibilty we as human beings should have. Compassion to help those needier than us. I definitely believe there should be programs out there to help those that can't help themselves. The mentally ill who can't function enough to hold a steady job. The kid with learning disability to attend extra free tutoring classes. The homeless shelters that also provide food.  The extracurricular after school acitivities for kids to attend to avoid joining gangs. Reading/tutoring programs for those that need it. I'm all for that.

    But to set aside money for "just the poor" to attend school, go to parent teacher conferences, visiting the dentist...isn't it a bit unfair? If you're going to do that, I say make it fair across the board. If you're going to reward such things, reward it across the board. Because attending parent-teacher conference, seeing a dentist, going to the doctor....these are choices one makes throughout their lives.  There's already breaks for the poor to get free mental, dental and healthcare coverage. Now we're going to give them money for their kids to graduate? Sh*t, that's called making good decisions and you know what.....that's all about upbringing and values. Everyone across the board have equal opportunity to make those decisions. The family whose financially struggling can still instill the importance of going to school and bringing the grades home so that they can have a better future.

    My parents came to the US with very little money. They worked wherever they could at first. They looked long term. Made good decisions. Instilled morals in their children and told us the importance of education. If my parents who had a few dollars on them can be where they are today without the help of the governement, then why can't others? I'm sure this will be found from many other people whose parents came here. Yeah I didn't get the latest trendy clothes (most of mine were hand-me-downs). We never had back-to-school shopping sprees. We didn't have the latest computers (my mom would buy from the old job the computer they were going to throw away). My parents learned to speak English (granted, it's practically a 2nd language in their motherland)...but you know what, there are many people from many countries that come to LIVE here and learn the language. Most of them don't have the mentality of "you have to speak my language"! It's such an absurd idea...like me planning to move permanently to Russia and I plan on never learning the language there...absurd! 

    Yet here we are...in the good 'ole USA and we are so backwards sometimes. I have no problems with incentives, but like I said, make it across the board. 

    On a side note, Arnold the CA governator said something last week that got him some heat. The thing is, he just said what probably many people are thinking and feeling.  Also random...when CA got rid of affirmative action (which I do believe was a good thing...affirmative action that is...not the getting rid part) I remember my grad student saying "Affirmative action might have gotten me in, but my hard work made sure I stayed in".  Just something to think about.... 

Comments (2)

  • oh gawd...that's such a bad idea...

    ryc: i'm already out of it already...lolz...

    just realizing that life really is pretty sweet...and you can't and shouldn't force things one way or another pretty much does it for me...

    that and i know i'm too lazy to make any changes?!

  • im lost... you are criticizing the programs to help the poor because it is unfair to others that are in between, but you are FOR affirmative action which benefits the poor and unfair to those who are in between.  quite the contradiction, don't you think?

    -ray leeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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